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Tripple-A • 1 year ago

It's pathetic how competitive presecutioner often are. Your job is to find the truth and to help the judge give a just sentence, not "winning" the trial.

Jolo Bondoc • 1 year ago

Octopus in the kanto region omg tentacool

Ceiling-fan25 • 2 years ago


Yay!! It's the courtroom confrontations!!! A filler series I actually like!!

That's Eri's assistant?? She's introduced in this episode?? She looks different than what I remember. Probably just an Azusa situation where she looks different in her first introduction but later her appearance changes

10 bucks it's the wife

Omg this is just like Ace Attorney!!

LesK • 2 years ago

until somebody jumps up and screams 'I Object!' it ain't Ace Attorney. ;) plus, both lead lawyers are chicks... that's definitely NOT AA! :> bwahahaha! :>

i swear, that game series sure spawned a weird ass anime! :> heh! i watched the dubs of multiple seasons years ago, such a peculiar idea of how the Japanese legal system works. :D

Ceiling-fan25 • 2 years ago

Omg yeah I know it's probably nothing like actual ace attorney! My monkey brain just sees a courtroom setting and is like it's ace attorney

strange guy • 1 year ago

I’m actually enjoying this episode

strange guy • 1 year ago

This feels like something I would see in law and order

OPWOLEZ • 5 months ago

18:12 the pause them the munch sound was so good i liked it.
19:30 they said sheesh two times in les then 25 seconds.
I think they will use Kogoro because he was drunk and his mind wasn’t really clear. So they can seduce him into saying something he can’t remember
Ace attorney collab confirmed??.

OPWOLEZ • 5 months ago

Pnext canon ep is 266-272

bari • 2 years ago

oh gosh this is so good i love this episode so much!!!!

plutoxoxo • 3 months ago

based on the title... i expected this to be an epic battle between Eri & Kogoro about their relationship and i got extremely hyped but... it's just some random case... why is it so hard to win in life? 😔

The sounds kogoro makes are so satisfying for some reason and he's so goofy & silly 🤪 i like that more and more in him 😭

Eri is so badass and always classy.

eating octopus....... i love japan so much and their culture but their food... 🤢🤢🤢🤢

strange guy • 1 year ago

Seriously been since episode 199 and 200